Monday, February 10, 2020
Edna W. Runner Tutorial Center set to open ‘new’ doors March 13th with an invitation only event to showcase enhanced opportunities to help children succeed in school, life!
Jupiter nonprofit asks community to support ongoing capital campaign to fund, refurbish the nonprofit’s careworn facility
On March 13th, the Edna W. Runner Tutorial Center will enthusiastically re-open its doors with an exciting celebration that cheers the completion of its $2 million construction project that broke ground in January 2019. The festive open house ‘Back-to-School Backyard Bash’ will reveal ‘everything-new,’ welcoming guests from 4:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. and continuing until 7 p.m. with tours, music, food, drinks, activities and games for kids and adults. A short, celebratory program, with an official ‘ribbon-cutting’ ceremony, will take place at 6 p.m. Highlights on the program include a welcome and thank you from the Center’s Founder Edna Runner, and remarks from student-alumni, local government officials, volunteer tutors, and members of the Center’s Board of Directors.
When students, parents, volunteers and staff return to the Edna W. Runner Tutorial Center they will find the same safe, supportive, nurturing environment they have grown accustomed to. The Center’s careworn facilities have been expanded to enhance social opportunities for seniors and engaging learning opportunities and mentoring for elementary students along their educational journey to success. Nestled in the heart of the community at its 7187 Church Street location in Jupiter, the Center, remains as steadfast in its commitment to help all children succeed in school since it first opening its doors more than 30 years ago. But new surprises await - inside and out!
While touring, attendees who know the Center, will be pleased to find improvements to the facility such as: a state-of-the-art kitchen to support cooking lessons, music instruction room and counseling room. The structure has a new roof, HVAC, added office and classroom space and more science materials and equipment. Outdoor recreation and learning spaces were increased and will now also include a new synthetic turf playground, event and sports field and regulation-length basketball court. The Simon’s Giving Garden will house a butterfly garden and provide students a natural environment to learn about healthy eating by planting, harvesting, and cooking with the seeds they will sow! Additional parking will provide easy access to the entrance for visitors to the facility.
The Edna W. Runner Tutorial Center needs your help:
To date, the community has successfully early commitments from generous private and business donors but still falls 20% short of reaching its $2 million goal to complete the project. Sponsorship opportunities exist for corporations and individuals who wish to support our local community. In addition to serving children, the Center offers extensive outreach to the senior citizen members of the community by busing them to the center to enjoy activities and holiday functions, hosted by the students, some of whom are grandchildren.
“While we still need more help, these improvements were critical. Our children need to Center to gain the skills and experience necessary in today’s competitive higher education environment. We know our mentors help them achieve and reach their goals,” said Edna Runner, Executive Director. “We continue to be amazed by the generosity and support of the community and are so glad that people can clearly see the impact of their support.”
To R.S.V.P. for the “Back-to-School Backyard Bash,” or make a tax-deductible donation to the Edna W. Runner Tutorial Center, please call 561-907-4882